How can I make correction in name, father's name, mother name and DOB in my 10th and 12th marksheet of CBSE?

How can I make correction in name, father's name, mother name and DOB in my 10th and 12th marksheet of CBSE? How can I make correction in name, father's name, mother name and DOB in my 10th and 12th marksheet of CBSE? Class 10th and 12th marksheets are very important for us as they play very significant role in our life in college admissions, jobs and for other purpose also. 10th certificate can also be used as Date of Birth proof. Parents and students must ensure this at the time of CBSE registration in LOC that his/her name, father name , mother name is correct with other information. If you have any mistake in these you may face trouble, but don't worry here is solution. Follows the steps below: 1. In case you find any mistake regarding name, DOB, father name , mother name in your 10th or 12th you have to contact or visit the school to forward your case to CBSE concerned RO. 2. Form to be filled by the candidate and forwarded by the head of school to th...