Branches of Science

Science is broadly classified into two categories:

  •  Natural Sciences or Real Science                                      
  • Social Science
Natural Science is the branch of science which deals with the study of universe (living organisms and non living systems) each and every thing.The law and theories in natural science does not change with place,people and time.So, its a study of  unchanged reality.
Example : If an experiment is performed(correctly and accurately) by me or you its result does not change.

Social Science is the systematic study of human behaviour and society. It is changing reality.
Example: Economy of different countries is different.

Initially,Science is studied under Philosophy . But with the passage of time, as the man acquired more knowledge and experiment to validate facts(philosophy) science is considered as separate subject.
In universe subject matter of Natural Science (Real Science) is studied  under two categories Living Organism and Non living systems.

  • Study of Non living system is called as Physical Science.
  • Study of Living Organism is called Biological Sciences.
Following diagram represent the branches of science:
Branches of science
Branches of Science
Physical Science is the branch of natural science which deals with the study of non living systems.The branches of physical science is Physics, Chemistry and Earth Science.
  •  Physics is the study of nature and natural phenomena.The branch which concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. Branches of Physics : Mechanics , Thermodynamics, Electrodynamics, Optics , Quantum Mechanics , Nuclear Physics , Particle Physics etc.
  • Chemistry deal with the study of composition,structure and properties of matter and the change which the matter undergoes under different condition and the laws which govern these changes.Branches of chemistry : Inorganic Chemistry , Organic Chemistry , Electrochemistry , Physical Chemistry etc.
  • Earth Science is concerned with the physical composition of the earth and its atmosphere. Branches of Earth Sciences: Geography , Meteorology,Geology etc.
Biological Science is the branch of natural science which describe living organisms,their internal processes , and their relationship to each other and the environment.Branches of biology is Botany and Zoology.

  • Botany is the branch of biology that involves the scientific study of plant life i e structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, and taxonomy. 
  • Zoology is the branch of  biology that deal with study of animal kingdom, structure,evolution,classification,habits both living and extinct. Branches of Zoology : Anthrozoology , cetology , entomology , morphology , protozoology taxonomy etc.

However , there are many areas of overlap in the above discussed branches, where one type of phenomenon may be  associated with another. For example, light is source of energy is studied in physics(reflection) , chemistry(photo chemical reactions) and biology(photosynthesis in plants).

Mixed or Overlapping Science are those in which laws of finding of one field is used in other subject.
 Example of Mixed or Overlapping Sciences are Physical Chemistry , Biochemistry , Astrophysics , Astronautics  etc.
Applied Science is the application of existing scientific knowledge to practical applications and invention.
Example : Engineering , Applied Mathematics , Applied Physics , Computer Science.


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